1. Except for small-size bags(wallets, waist packs, handbags) and cell-phones with special covers, other items are forbidden to be brought onto the bridge. Forbidden items can be kept in the Left Luggage Office.
2. Please do not visit Glass Bridge if you have heart diseases, high blood pressure, acrophobia or when you are drunk or in any other unfit condi-tions.
3. Follow the staffs’ directions, and get into or out of Glass Bridge in a queue. Do not crowd or jump the queue. Wait patiently when the lock gate is closed to prevent overload.
4. Do not run around or jump or litter everywhere on Glass Bridge. Leaning on the handrail is forbidden in case your body loses balance to put your-self in danger.
5. Keep calm when there is an emergency. Follow the staffs’ directions to evacuate to safety in order.
6. If you bring your children, take good care of them at any time to ensure their safety.
7. To keep the surface glass smooth, please put on the special shoe covers we prepare for you before entry. High heels and metal spiked shoes are prohibited to be worn onto the bridge.
8.The maximum number of visitors on the bridge is 800 at one time.It is al-so suggested that your stay on Glass Bridge should be no longer than 20 minutes so as to ensure the best sightseeing experience for you and other tourists.
9.Smoking is forbidden on the bridge.
10. Under the snowing or raining circumstances, please walk along the white glass panels on each side of the bridge. Do not run or chase on the transparent glass panels in case of accidental slip.